Monday, July 15, 2013

Peter Cataldo - Zibaldone 10

A lot of hip-hop music is based on sampling. Early DJ's would find a song's "break" (that funky part of a song that was a simple drum pattern and instrumental piece that focused more on the beat and rhythm of the song rather than the melody) and find ways to have it play longer so people could groove to it (this gave rise to break-dancing and rapping). Soon DJ's found ways to take sounds from multiple sources and put them together to create a new composition. This form of music was very progressive and had a lot of freedom...until it started making money. By this time lawyers of artists that were being sampled started suing these artists for copyright infringements. Since the mass media has been involved, most of the hip-hop music one hears today is not very progressive because it is so restricted.

Can Architecture be sampled? Can someone take elements of multiple buildings/projects and place them together in a cohesive way to create a new composition that would have never been thought of before? Or would it also be subject to lawsuits and copyright infringements? (I understand this discussion can be very long and has many directions that it could go. So, discussing this through text can be very difficult.)


  1. A lot of buildings built in China today are direct replicas of other buildings - It's definitely a growing problem.

  2. Another question would be: How does/can someone Trademark a building?
