Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zibaldone 11

    Why do we continue to build homes the same way today that we did in the 18th century?

     I would like to interpret this question as asking why they follow the same guidelines when it comes to layout and purpose. Although reasoning has changed, it remains practical. When homes were first being constructed in the 18th century, they served no other purpose than to provide shelter, gathering space, and a designated area for food preparation. Why? Because those were the three main services a household was to provide. Building supplies and workers were scarce which, I am assuming, determined the overall size of these structures.
     Today, contractors have the construction of a house from start to finish down to a science. Although there is an abundance of materials and builders, it now solely depends on cost and efficiency. Keeping simple layouts, not adding unnecessary rooms and keeping the square-footage to a minimum save money and time allowing for the construction of multiple homes to house the growing population.

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