Monday, July 22, 2013

Sampling- Zimbaldone Undici

The difference between architecture and hip hop sampling all comes down to the different ways of making a song or building. A song can be created using anything that makes a sound, and with any different pitch or combination of different instruments. Look at the new delta faucet commercial, featuring percussionist Glenn Kotche, he makes a song out of touch faucets and the water that it produces. Not only do we have hundreds of different instruments but more sounds are used in music every day.

                Let us contrast this to architecture, how many different building materials can you name? Can you name more building materials than things that produce sound? Music has copyright laws because of the infinite ways to make a melody, two songs that are identical without one sampling the other is unfathomable. Because there is a finite amount of architectural strategies, if they can be copyrighted, it won’t be long until new graduates have to literally re-invent the brick to make a career for themselves.  

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