Monday, July 8, 2013

Zimbaldone Nove

The MIT Media Lab, being a architecturally significant building, turns the corner in a very interesting way. This corner, where Amherst st. and Ames St. meet, the building deals with it in a couple different ways. The first at the ground floor is where Maki removes the corner completely to provide an entrance. This takes most of the mass away and only leaves a couple of columns. The second way, at the glazing above, and more specifically, the screen system shows which street is more important and Maki making a conscious decision to avoid the corner altogether. The Ames st. Façade then gets a complete screen, where Amherst does not.

            The third way that he deals with this corner is the most interesting, because he curves the roof plane to avoid it. The part that is underneath the roof, and the part that is not then separate the deck. By removing this corner, at the top and bottom, Maki is creating different spaces.

1 comment:

  1. That round column seems to make more and more sense...
