Monday, July 1, 2013

Zimbaldone Otto

The Edward W. Brook Courthouse, on a corner of two busy streets in one of the busiest parts in Boston, deals with the sky in a really fascinating way. This large overhang provides abundant cover for the pedestrians that are walking by, so when it is raining, people hustle across the street just to walk underneath for a few seconds. When it snows, the shoveling in front of this civil building becomes a much easier job to handle. Another fascinating thing that is happening here is the material contrast between the cream colored masonry façade and the darkness of the overhang. This might have simply originated from simply going with the default color of the material, but it creates a pronounced top to the building, instead of appearing as it could just as easily continue upward. The center is the only area where the overhang wraps, along with the extra height, making it clearly the more important area of the building.

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