Sunday, June 30, 2013

Zibaldone 8

Buildings begin to meet the sky in varied ways. As I was walking down Brookline Avenue the other day I noticed a multi-purpose development still in construction. On the roof I noticed a canopy that seemed to dematerialize giving a gradual transition between the brick façade and the sky. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see from the distance but the columns looked to be brick with a glass roof resting on top. What lacked however was that the canopy only exists on the front façade. There does not seem to be any conversation between the front and the perpendicular façade. What is expressed is the same language of the material. The aluminum finish performs in a way that reads lighter allowing a smoother transition to the sky.  Each "level" from the ground floor up reads from heavy to light thus involving the entire building to meet the sky, not just the top.


1 comment:

  1. What is the nature of the surface above the trellis? Is that a new sky? Or is this about the horizon?
