Sunday, June 9, 2013

Corey Gibbons - Zibaldone 5

         At times, whether we realize it or not, the buildings around us are making noise.  Technical elements like mechanical equipment, plumbing, and electric lighting all inevitably create noise.  Electric lighting tends to buzz and hum in the background while operating.  Similarly, mechanical equipment – fans, vents, etc. – causes background or, sometimes, even louder noise both inside and outside a building while operating, too.  Plumbing creates noise, as well, when liquids flow throw drains and pipes that run throughout a building. 

            Less consistent sounds occur, though, while people use a building.  People opening and closing doors and windows are creating sound doing so.  In addition, as people walk through a building and speak aloud, their footsteps make sound hitting the floor and their voices can echo within a space.  If it were not for a building’s surfaces and volumes, these reactionary sounds would not be heard. 

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