Sunday, June 9, 2013

Maggio - Zibaldone 4

Buildings have the ability to create unique experiences just by sound. Sound helps create a familiar sense like the sounds the floorboards make when you enter your bedroom or even the sound of the door slamming shut as someone enters the common room. But maybe the sound would not be considered a “slam” if the room was carpeted. Design techniques can greatly influence how sound is understood within space. Is it loud, soft? Is there a tempo created by ones footsteps. The use of materials can change a space entirely and give it a different aural sensation. Even the height of a room can drastically affect sound.

What I have realized from living on campus is how sound penetrates a building. With my windows closed I can still hear the hum of traffic and the Green line passing by. Whilst at home I can hear the faint sound of water moving through the radiator in the winter and the chirp of crickets in the summer.  But maybe if the envelope of 555 Huntington Ave was designed differently I wouldn't even know the train was just outside my room.

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