Sunday, June 9, 2013

Zibaldone Cinque

I would like to submit that the sound of architecture is silence. One knows there are inside because they cannot hear the rain, cannot hear the shouts of other people, or the cars driving by. The more time that we all spend inside buildings, we become more and more accustomed to the sounds that they make, until they finally fade away. For example, the first time it was hot this summer, the A/C unit was pretty loud. Now? It gets quieter every day as I become more accustomed to it. If you live near parallel railroad tracks, every time a train goes by, you hear it less and less. This same idea can be applied to the background noise of HVAC units or the other ‘sounds of buildings’. The real audio experience in buildings is the exclusion of sounds, the entire architecture industry is based on how we as humans want to escape the sounds around us, so we can be surrounded by comfortable sounds that we hear so often, they actually fade into nothing.

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