Monday, June 10, 2013

Zibaldone 5

What sounds do a building make? We have these preconceived ideas of what buildings make what sounds, like when we are a child and taught that a cow moos or a duck quacks.  Very much so we find ourselves making these associations with the buildings around us.  A church has bells and a chorus inside, but when we are walking around and hear the noon bells we connect them to a church in the area.  If you see a fire station you start to thing of the sirens from the fire trucks and then the alarm.  Maybe it goes further to the point you start to think of the noise that the firemen would create when the frantic chaos of the alarm creates.  When thinking about a museum you think of the quite murmurs of the patrons walking around trying to be respectful of everyone else.  Then the footsteps of the people walking on the more commonly used marble flooring in a museum.  The loud echoing voice of a lecturer or a guest speaker in an auditorium of a school, but with everyone else being dead silent.  Since we were children we started to create our own associations of sounds with certain types of buildings, but why can’t the building have different sounds?

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