Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Zimbaldone Sei

The smells of architecture become really apparent walking around the cityscape of Boston. Going to the north end and smelling the pastries or the smell of beer and sausage at Fenway. This becomes radically apparent to me when I'm hungry. Walking by a pastry shop at lunchtime makes it much harder to go buy a salad. Fanueil hall in the summertime has a lot of advertising for the different foods that are offered, but it's all nasal advertising. One place in particular, Halftime Pizza, on causeway St. gets me every time. I work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, and walk by the exhaust vent on the side of this delicious establishment. I haven’t had time to grab lunch there this semester, but I'm never hungry until I walk by it. Smell the delicious dough and pepperoni cooking in the oven. It works well to entice people walking by before a TD Garden event, and is always packed. Most patrons aren't intentionally going there, just need to eat and get a big wiff of the deliciousness inside. 

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