Monday, June 17, 2013

Peter Cataldo - Zibaldone 6

Smells create nostalgia for many people. That nostalgia can demarcate a space that some people can recognize immediately. Sometimes the smell tells the person exactly which place in space they are, or it can define a general space that someone can recognize.
Il Mondo is a place on Huntington Avenue that I can always recognize immediately. The smell of garlic, tomato sauce, and dough travel through the vents and out to the street. From my experience, I know that the smells coming from Il Mondo are associated with food. This allows me to assess that I am near a place for gathering.
The visuals of a space defined by smell are not important. If a space looks exactly the same, but does not have the same smell, the meaning and associations of the space changes. A different smell can also mean a change in program.

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