Monday, June 3, 2013

Zibaldone 4 Brendan

     The tale of this detail arguably goes with what has been taught recently in history. This is the Ira Allen building, and is in some ways an eclectic building. The brick is hung, for no reason, other than to relate to buildings around it, and to relate to its previous state. The brick is hung on an aluminum or steel  frame to give it more of a contemporary feel but at the same time relate back to its original state. I feel this is a contemporary example of the "problem" that Hawksmoor had addressed in architecture.
     Aside from this, the way the brick meets the steel, and the steel meets the stone base, and the way the stone base meets the grass, help the building meet the ground in a subtle way. This layering along with the hanging of brick i feel helps the building have a sense of lightness to it.

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