Sunday, June 16, 2013

Zibaldone 6

Last Tuesday I decided I needed a haircut and choose to walk down Huntington Avenue to Sal’s Barber Shop. As stepped thought Sal’s threshold how did I know I was in a barber Shop. I could have walked in to BHOP asking for a cut, but I think the results would be upsetting…  Barbershops exhibit a unique smell. The shampoo, the various hair products, aftershave and the unmistakable smell of talcum powder all give clues to the fact that I am in an establishment that provides haircuts. Conversely the pizza shop a few doors down does not have the characteristics that would demarcate a barbershop. The smell of pizza tells me it is a restaurant not a barbershop thus smell proves very important to situate ourselves.

On a side note, barbershops have the tell tale sound of scissors and the continuous buzz of clippers. 

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