Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Zibaldone: 4

Locate an ACTUAL detail. What is the tale of the detail?
150 words, image made not taken. Due Monday.

Zibaldone3- Jack Brown

What did one wall say to another?

Jerry: How are you doing Fred?
Fred: Great Jerry, how about you?
Jerry: You know so, so the wife has been getting on me about the paint job.
Fred: Shut the front door, same with me.
Jerry: Wonder when that human will get to it.
Fred: Hopefully soon because I have been getting reamed out for it.
Jerry: It’s hard to get away from them when they’re abut to you.
Fred: Tell me about it.
Jerry: Did you see that the human fixed the cabinets the other day?
Fred: Yea I guess we are just going to be last on the list.
Jerry: Alright Fred the wife is calling me. I’ll talk to you later.
Fred: Ok, have a good one.

Josh Singer - Zibaldone III

What did one wall say to the other?

Bearing: Hey, do you need a number for an engineer?

Curtain: No I’m all set, thanks.

Bearing: Are you sure? You’re lookin’ pretty skinny.

Curtain: Excuse me?

Bearing: Yeah, you’re letting all this light through you. You’re practically transparent.

…Bro, do you even lift?

Curtain: No, I don’t need to in order to perform.

Bearing: Psssh you’re just weak... You’re not important like ME. I’m doing all the work around here. Without me there would be no floor plates, no roof, no enclosure.

Curtain: But without ME you would be just that – A tool to hold up a floor and a roof. I define the spaces you can’t. Provide sensory experiences you can’t. I can express myself out of any material. I can lie just as well as I can tell the truth. I’m a big reason you were even built in the first place. Without me you’re nothing, just as I’m nothing without you. Together we’re a team. Together we give meaning and character to the space we define.

Bearing: Sorry what? I wasn’t listening. I was too busy thinking about how much I can lift. I’m so strong.

Curtain: Ugh why does a building’s lifecycle have to be 20 years long? …

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kyle Pryhuber- Zibaldone #3

At the connection of the existing wall of the Boston Public Library and the addition of the Boston Public Library, the one wall said, "what are you doing here?" And the other simply replied "just trying to fit in." Here is a classic case of when two buildings separated by time and materials are united and this is the connection that occurs. Very rarely is the wall of the one the same material as the other or even the same shade. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be, but this causes an eyesore that is instantly noticed by everyone to be simply a mistake even though it was quite literally planned. The language of the two walls might as well be completely different and each wall knows it. Therefore the wall they make up together makes no sense and the question becomes how should different walls meet?

Perlroth - Zibaldone #3

Wall #1 – Do you want to know what irritates my insulation?

Wall #2 – Do I have a choice? It’s not like I can up and leave.

Wall #1 – That’s exactly it. We’re stuck here. We can’t go anywhere.

Wall #2 – I am failing to see where this is going. We’re walls…we stay put
                and do our job.

Wall #1 – All the work we do, holding this place up, and for what, getting brutally
                 punctured with nails? Drawn on? Scratched?

Wall #2 – We are here for support. We are among the building components that
     come together to provide and define shelter, safety, and space. We were
     placed here for a reason. If we fail to do our job, we have failed the
     structure as a whole.

Wall #1 – You're making it seem like we’re important. 

Wall #3 – Would you two shut up? You both were additions.

Wall #2 – HA…probably because you didn’t do your job in the first place! 


Zibaldone 3

If walls could talk I imagine they would try to on-up each other. I think it would go something like this…

-Oh man Will I’ve been standing here for years. I can’t bear it anymore, with all this stress and pressure on me this job is getting old.

-I don’t know what to tell you buddy, I got the easy life. I keep the rooms separated so I’m kind of important too but I can relax all day.

-That’s cool, but I’m stacked. Needless to say, ladies love it….

-So what’s your poison? Matte, eggshell or glossy?

-Depends, the light in this place makes a difference.

-Well I’m cut as stone, I rarely need a coat of that.

-Lucky for me I wear my coat on the inside. Always ready...

(not to mention they would probably have tons of secrets to tell… )

Corey Gibbons - Zibaldone 3

“Oh my Pei!  What are you doing?!”

“What?  What?  Do I have something on my glass?”

“No, you’re dressed exactly the same as me!” 

“So what….if you haven’t noticed I’m wearing what everyone else is wearing!  And it’s not my fault, Pei made me this way.”

“Ugh, I guess you’re right.  I’m sorry.  It’s just that sometimes I feel so misunderstood.  I mean, we’re almost perpendicular to each other! I face north, you face east, how could they possibly think we’d both want to wear the same thing?”

“I don’t know.  Architects, man.  It’s like sometimes they have no idea what we go through.”

“Tell me about it.  Architects…”

Peter Cataldo - Zibaldone 3

Wow, you look rough!

I know. I’m made of unfinished stone. What do you expect?

Well, I’ve never seen a wall with such texture. Usually, the walls I see are flat with a solid color on them. Now the builder has decided to put a heavy rough wall here.

You learn something new everyday. You look like you have something missing. Are you incomplete?

No, the hole you see is a window.

What does that do?

It allows air to pass through me and frames a view for people on either side of me to see. It also lets light pass through to the other side.

Wow, I didn’t know walls could do that. Why don’t you think I have one?

There probably isn’t a need for you to have one. Maybe what’s important about you is the weight and texture one can feel while in your presence.