Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mat Maggio - Zibaldone 2

If someone told me that New York City is full of subway trains and I looked out my window to find one, I must assume I’m in New York right? Not quite, we know where we are because of contextual clues that tell us our location. It’s our experience and knowledge that helps to orient us in the world, that is what situates us. Looking out my window I see the Mission Hill Church that I know is in fact located in Boston – no place else. However, you could tear the church down stone by stone and move it to another location, yet the view of Mission Church from my room is different if it viewed in New York City. This particular building may look akin to other churches but this church is only in Boston. Not to mention I know that I am in New England considering every Dunkin Donuts is a stones throw from each other. 

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