Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jack Brown-Zibaldone1

Perception- immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment.

Our perception of the world is absorbed through our senses of what is around us.  We use touch, smell, sight, and hearing to make these judgments of what is around us.  These all are affected drastically in different environments, like urban, suburban, and rural areas.  Buildings rise up out of the ground to create streets and path, which we walk and follow mindlessly through the city.  In Boston I can never go from point A to point B the way I want to because there are buildings that change my path and decisions on my route.  Then the difference when you are in the countryside where the only problems in front of you are natural and not made by man.
            I perceive buildings as a place to live or work and these “needs” as not necessary.  I understand why society has developed buildings for, but I think that we can revert these structures to a more primitive form or time.  Once men lived off the land and had little use for buildings other than for shelter.  One would like to believe that this reverting is possible in the future, but with the society of today this would never be possible.  So now we find the relevance of architecture is one of importance in the future.  We spend the majority of our lives inside buildings and they are the only things that frame our perception of the world.   

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