Sunday, May 19, 2013

Matthew Guntrum - Zibaldone 2

    There is a level of common knowledge that everyone has about the world. This is taught, learned, or experienced by each of us through another's, or first person, account. If someone were to ask, "do you believed everything you are told"? I would respond with, "no". One does not believe something they are told until they weigh it against what they know and don't know about it first. Imagine if someone were to ask me what I thought a fish was. I would skim through all the knowledge, experiences, and teachings of what a "fish" was and I would proceed to tell the person what my collaborative thinking has processed. If they gave me information that conflicted, then I would weigh it against a broader search of the definition and the sources of the information. 
    You can't definitively tell whether you are here or there. Here or there is simply ones interpretation of that specific moment or place, which may not align with my database of thought or experience with the same moment or place. What one thing is to one person may be different to another, therefore your definition of here and there will be different than mine. We can only depend on our own knowledge to distinguish that we are here and not there.
Image from "Big Fish" the movie.

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