Sunday, May 12, 2013

Corey Gibbons - Zibaldone 1

Buildings have a significant impact on the way you perceive the world, whether you consciously realize it or not.  From both the interior and exterior, buildings influence your perception of your surroundings.  Inside a building, elements like apertures, walls, floors, mechanical equipment and more act as a filter between the occupant and the outside world.  Apertures can hide or reveal views out to the surroundings, walls and floors muffle sounds and smells, and mechanical equipment creates a new climate inside that differs from the climate outside.  Viewed from the exterior, buildings still affect perception because building types inherently connote qualities of their surroundings.  A building can indicate the type of program it serves, the affluence of the community it resides in, the type of people that reside inside or within that community.  The scale of a building also indicates how dense and, therefore, populated an area is and the materials it is made of, whether they reflect or defy the climate of the environment, also aid in creating your personal perception of the world.  

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