Monday, May 20, 2013

Zibaldone 2 - Jack Brown

How is one supposed to know that they are here and not there?  Well I cannot answer that question because I believe that we cannot know this for a fact.  We, as in society, like to think that we have an understanding and grip on what “reality” is, but is this possible?  Maybe what we understand as to be the universe is just inside a box on that is sitting on a child’s desk in another universe and that universe is in another box on a different desk.  So can we actually answer this question or is this reality just a figment of our imaginations?
With that said I think that I have to choose to believe that this is reality and that science is the truth.  I know I am in Boston and not anywhere else because of the buildings and the goofy accents that people have in the city.  You can see the Prudential Center, the Hancock Tower, or now even the MassArt Tower.  We associate these buildings and place with one city and not another because how often are there the same exact buildings in the same place?  An architect might build two of the exact same buildings in two different cities are still different because of the context surrounding them are different.  The biggest factor for me knowing where I am is the bed, my bed in my apartment is different than the one I have at home in Rhode Island. 

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