Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kyle Pryhuber- Zibaldone1

Every location is different so how do you know where you are and why does it matter? Unlike some characteristics that define a location architecture draws its importance from site, its history and the culture around it. First take the sky lines of Boston and New York City. Both are cities, both have modern buildings, were established approximately at same time and both have new and old architecture, so how do you know which city you’re in? Well simply the culture that established them were different so one example is that one city is on a grid and one is based on specific landmarks. Architecture has the unique opportunity to become iconic in a location based on the materials, technology and even purpose. Even if you don’t know those reasons, you know that looking at the “Pyramids,” you’re in Egypt, even though there are similar pyramids in other locations. Iconic.

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