Sunday, May 12, 2013

Peter Cataldo - Zibaldone 1

Buildings show me some of the many feats that humans are capable of accomplishing (both fantastic and worrisome), whether it is a small town home in a gated community to a towering skyscraper in the middle of a mega-metropolis. Someone had to take an idea from his or her mind and present that idea in a physical form for everyone else to see and understand.

There is more to a building, however, than its surface. There are spaces inside buildings that have their own purpose. These spaces can be experienced by themselves or have a relationship with other spaces within a building that bring together what is outside of the building with what is inside it. Architecture connects spaces. Space and Time are what we exist in. Architecture helps us navigate through that space. It gives us a path to follow. That Architecture can be man-made or natural depending on one’s definition of Architecture.

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