Monday, May 20, 2013

Zibaldone #2

How do I know I am here and not there?

At this very moment I am in Boston, Massachusetts. I know this. This morning I awoke to my room flooded with orange light from the Massart tower across the street. I could hear the T going by and the construction work on the new building at 525 Huntington Ave. From my dorm, the Prudential and Hancock towers can be seen off towards the horizon, icons of the Boston skyline. If I were to walk towards those towers, past the numerous college campuses and ‘wicked smaht’ students dressed in Sox, Bruins, Celtics and Pats attire, I would eventually end up in Copley Square. At Copley, H. H. Richardson’s Trinity Church gleams off the façade of the Hancock next to it; just one of many instances of an architectural theme of the juxtaposition between old and new around the city. Farther inbound, past the Commons, congestion of Park St. and the brutalist City Hall at Government Center, Faneuil Hall is filled with tourists, men dressed as colonists and clam chowder.

I know I am in Boston because of these things. I am not in places I know I’ve been before like quiet, wooded hometown of Simsbury, CT or surrounded by brownstones, garbage and hipsters in Brooklyn, NY. I remember those places and things I experienced there… and they are different than here.

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