Sunday, May 12, 2013

Matthew Guntrum - WITzibaldone 1

A building is like a molecule of DNA; it has information encoded into it that details its construction. A building can be studied or dissected to understand why it was created, for whom it was created, and by whom it was created. Each building symbolizes a cultures values and existence.
My perception of the world is framed through buildings because they are the most basic way to distinguishing what is important to a civilization. If you were to compare the Industrial buildings in the United States to China you would see that the buildings in China are more abundant and less localized to less populated areas. This is because of the large population of people in China and the amount of products that they make and ship overseas.
You can understand a lot about the world just based on the symbolism, size, material, construction techniques, age, design, “greenness”, and renovations employed in a building.


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