Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Josh Singer - Zibaldone III

What did one wall say to the other?

Bearing: Hey, do you need a number for an engineer?

Curtain: No I’m all set, thanks.

Bearing: Are you sure? You’re lookin’ pretty skinny.

Curtain: Excuse me?

Bearing: Yeah, you’re letting all this light through you. You’re practically transparent.

…Bro, do you even lift?

Curtain: No, I don’t need to in order to perform.

Bearing: Psssh you’re just weak... You’re not important like ME. I’m doing all the work around here. Without me there would be no floor plates, no roof, no enclosure.

Curtain: But without ME you would be just that – A tool to hold up a floor and a roof. I define the spaces you can’t. Provide sensory experiences you can’t. I can express myself out of any material. I can lie just as well as I can tell the truth. I’m a big reason you were even built in the first place. Without me you’re nothing, just as I’m nothing without you. Together we’re a team. Together we give meaning and character to the space we define.

Bearing: Sorry what? I wasn’t listening. I was too busy thinking about how much I can lift. I’m so strong.

Curtain: Ugh why does a building’s lifecycle have to be 20 years long? …

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