Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Zibaldone #3

[Modeling courtesy of Marcus Thorton and Gerald Green]

One wall (Marcus) says to the other wall (Gerald), “Thank you for your support.”  Gerald responds by saying “No problem, it’s nice to meet you.”  Marcus appreciates all that the Gerald is doing for him. One wall, by itself, is simply a wall; however when a second wall is introduced, immediately space is defined, thus… architecture.
 Marcus is thanking Gerald for supporting him, literarily, because they both meet perpendicularly (one longer than the other) forming a return wall. Without Gerald, Marcus would not have the same stability that he now has, nor would this beautifully formed space exist that the two of them combine to make as they both meet.
If it was not for Marcus and Gerald meeting one another, this implied space would be non-existent, and both Marcus and Gerald would be much less stable. Because of this, the two are glad to have “met”.

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