Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mat Maggio - Zibaldone 1

I like to think that architecture helps us perceive the world by looking out from within. Countless factors including time of day, location, season, etc heighten our perception. Every skyscraper performs like a viewfinder offering different views depending where you are within it. From the second floor looking out into the world we understand so much in detail from the license plates driving by to the emotions of people walking along. If we move to the 50th floor we do not understand the world in as great of detail. However, what we do understand is broader and you are able to see and entire city or perhaps a view of a mountain in the distance. You understand your place in the world at that given time and you recognize that you are within something bigger than yourself. You might gain a larger understanding of how the world operates. Season is a very powerful factor because looking out to find a blanket of snow stretching to the horizon the experience would be far different in the summer. Architecture acts as a powerful medium to evoke these emotions where it allows you to understand the world and notice what has been in plain sight all along.

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