Monday, May 20, 2013

Is anybody out there?

The blog is still missing a few posts. Yes, they are due by 1:00 pm (EST) 20 May.

The blogs are getting closer, but still lacking SPECIFICITY.

After living in Boston for a number of years and then returning, I knew I was in Boston because of...

The smell of the T as it rises from the grates as you walk into Harvard square from Mass Ave.

The way the edge of the city hall frames the steeple of old north church as you walk on Tremont away from Park St.

The thinness of the buffalo chicken slices at il mondo on Huntington.

Park St station on a humid July at 5:30 waiting for a delayed train. A small trickle of sweat runs down my scalp. 

The skyline of the city as you drive down the hill on rte. 2.

Magnolia blooms for one week every spring on Comm. Ave.

The homeless Russian man that begged for change on Boylston in the same spot for the six years I worked at 939 Boylston. He is still there. 

Rowing on the Charles...being directly in the city and not able to hear a thing.

The relationship between the domes at MIT as seen from the soccer fields...Saarinen, Saarinen, and Bosworth’s.

As I return to many cities, New York, LA, Montreal, they have become cities of memories. I may now only know of those cities because of my memories. But, now in LA, I know I am not in Boston. The honeysuckle is too strong in the hazy morning light over the edge of the jagged horizon. 

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